The Best 12 SEO RANKING TechniquesIn this section I aim to provide a basic overview on what you need in your website to feature highly in search engines. It's not the Top Ten Website Optimization Tips but 12 with a few extra thrown in for good measure. Its one of the most comprehensive helpful SEO advice you will find anywhere in the world. Most of these are Basic Optimization Tips but they are also the "Best Optimization Tips" because they are all fundamental to creating a highly ranked great website within Google and other search engines. So if you have not got these key SEO areas or the SEO basics covered you will struggle from the start. I shall list these SEO areas and add a weight or liking to each SEO factor, that Google seems to gives each criteria or area I advise upon. But remember this is cumulative, just because you can't achieve everything in the list below it does not mean you will not feature highly. As you are only competing against other websites in Google. And these websites might not be able to achieve all these SEO tips as well! Oh and don't forget to you have your keywords right place and number in terms of density (which is not always 4%) and also links - Internal Links, Inbound Links and Outbound Links.
1. Top SEARCH ENGINE Optimisation TipsIS AN OLDER DOMAIN NAME BETTER?1. Age of Domain and Longevity - SEO Impact Medium
Always register your domain for as long as possible, this shows google that you are serious and the website will not be just a flash in the pan. Also if you have chosen a good domain name it is in your interest to keep this as long as possible. Google will always give websites that are older a little more weight as they will have hopefully built up a page ranking over time if they are good. Using or purchasing an old domain name is only a good idea if it has actually been used. And has had some form of a website on it? You can use these free tools to check pagerank and domain age. Additionally you know need to be aware of any black hat / bad linking that has possibly affected the the domain names usability. Read More on: is an older domain name better > 2. HOW DO I SPEED UP MY WEBSITE?2. Speed of Website- SEO Impact Low
Google prefers fast websites. To get a fast website it needs to be written in the good code, the newer the better, have very few coding errors and the content needs to be streamlined. Some things that will slow your website down are:
3. DO I HAVE TO USE GooGLE?3. Use of Google Website Tools - SEO Impact Medium
Yep to feature highly in Google you need to be using Google tools! Some of the Google tools you should be using and that will help your website, in no particular order are:
These Google tools provide valuable data, insights, and optimization capabilities that can help improve your website's visibility, performance, and user experience. Implementing these tools should be a priority for any website owner or marketer. 4. A GOOD WEBSITE STRUCTURE4. Website Basics - SEO Impact Medium to High
These are basic things your website needs in terms of structure and content. You really need to have all these bases covered:
5. WILL SOCIAL MEDIA HELP MY WEBSITE5. Use of Social Media with web Pages - SEO Impact Medium
Make use of Social Media links with your website with Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Blogger etc and get all your friends and family to "link in", "like" and "share" and "tweet" your website among their social groups. Use Social Media like Google+ and Twitter to promote your website, services and products. Be sure to write some stuff and poston your different social media forums. Make sure you always include a link to your website in whatever you write about but make sure it is relevant. If you are writing about a new product or service link the text to your page that contains that info. Read More about Social Media 6. What are good inbound external Web Links6. Good Website Links - High SEO Impact
Yes you need inbound and outbound links. It used to be all about getting hundreds and thousands of backlinks but not anymore. Google is constantly trying to make searches better and the old BLACK HAT Technique of just spamming hundreds and thousands of links into your website with your URL and Keywords no longer works. Well actually it may work initially but if Google thinks these are spam links, from link farms, from websites that are blacklisted, blocked or known to have malware then these will not work. Also if the links are from other countries such as India, America, Russia and Poland and your website is not based there they will see these as bad links. So now a few good quality links to your website seems to help far more. Good link checklist:
7. TOP KEYWORD BASIC OPTIMIZATION TIPThe Key to achieving a Google ranking with your Keywords are to make sure that all of your Keywords feature in your web site and web pages across al the different elements, Do not try to cram in too many keywords in one web page and start trying to go off topic. The use of additional landing pages may be required to keep the keyword focus:
8. WHAT IS THE BEST KEYWORD DENSITYKeyword density depends on a lot of things, between 2-4% is good.
And make sure your first sentence contains your main keywords. And don't forget to mess around with keyword density sometimes less is more! See what your competitors are doing and try more or less..........! Never repeat strings or keywords in titles or image title or alt tags. It can appear across all three but having 10 pictures all called the same thing won't work! Will look like keyword stuffing. Google likes a good mix of these, not too many too little and not all the same. As I said above: These are the best basic website tips and if you do not have most of these in your website then you will make your job far more difficult. These are just a few of the many things you need to build a good and great website but this should get you started off on the right track. Please feel free to comment on the Best Website Optimization Tips and Advice ever or please feel free to add your own great tip below. And I always save some to keep me in work.........................! 9. Duplicate COntentIs duplicate content also holding your website back, what is duplicate content and how much duplication is deemed acceptable? Many wordpress themes accidentally create duplicate content.
Read More about dulpicate content > 10. SSL CERTIFICATEWhat is a SSL Certificate and will my website benefit from having one. In short the answer is absolutely yes.
But I suggest you Read More about SSL Certificates > 11. CHOOSING THE RIGHT CMS
Is my content management system (CMS) holding me back with search engine optimization and do I really need CMS.
Read More about choosing the right content management system (CMS) > 12. How to choose a good domain name |