How DO I Get My Website to No.1 IN Google
ONE OF THE WAYS IS BY USING OBSCURE KEYWORDS. Now this may sound stupid, but the fact is, if you start ranking for obscure keywords you are actually driving more traffic to your website and in turn you are creating popularity. Once you are getting some traffic it actually becomes gradually easier to rank for the higher ranking keywords. That's because the Google algorithm takes into account page popularity and authority. This is one of the chicken and egg scenarios where you need traffic to rank but how do you get traffic if you are not ranking highly? Now, I know a lot of SEO's that go for only the obscure and low ranking keywords. After all, a whole heap of traffic from some of the lesser known or used search terms can actually outweigh those of a single main keyword. But also more specific and longer keyword searches can bring in more commited site visitors. Which in turn can produce higher conversion rates or mean your visitor stays on your website for longer. So the key with any good website is to have a good mix of pages optimised for high, medium and low ranking keywords. short, medium and long-tail keywords. This way you ensure traffic, popularity and hopefully some business (visitors) whilst you try and achieve the more difficult task of achieving high page rankings with the big, short and less specific keywords! WHAT ARE LONG-TAIL KEYWORDS?In SEO (Search Engine Optimization), "long-tail keywords" refer to longer, more specific phrases that users enter into a search engines when they are looking for something particular or very specific.
These keyword phrases typically consist of three or more words and are more specific and targeted compared to shorter, more generic search terms. For example, if someone is interested in buying a book, they might start with a broad search like "books." However, if they're looking for a specific type of book, they might refine their search to something like "mystery novels set in the 1920s." The latter is a long-tail keyword because it's more detailed and specific. Here are some characteristics of long-tail keywords:
HOW TO RANK HIGHLY IN GOOGLEHow to achieve a high ranking in Google?
According to various studies more that 50% of web users analyse only the first two pages of results of organic search engines. Thus it is worthwhile to secure the position of your website in search results. This can be broken down further and estimates are that all most 70% of people searching only click on the first 4 results on the first page of Google. Optimizing to beat existing competitors on popular Keywords takes time and a bit of trial and error. If it was easy then everyone would be on page 1 of Google and we all know that would be impossible! Now, here I am just talking about one set of Keywords, generally you can optimise each page for at least 6 similar keywords. And sometimes many more depending on the quantity and quality of the content on the page. Additionally, we would include some more keywords for the surrounding local business area (location targetting) to try to get even more visitors to our website. Optimizing for Keywords is all about knowing and finding out what people will type into a search engine to get the particular services they are interested in or require. Not everyone is the same, and searchers will use different keywords that mean the same thing. So it's all about knowing what they'll search for, how they will search and more importantly what is achievable when optimizing your website based on your competition, business and location. The difference between positions 1 to 4 in page 1 of Google and positions 5 to 9+ on the same first page could result in 70% more or less hits depending on how you look at it! There are web tools you can use to discover what keywords your business competitors are achieving and aiming for to achieve a page 1 rank in Google and there are some other website tools you can use to discover what are the most searched for keywords. But as I pointed out earlier just because you optimise your website with these keywords does not mean you will achieve a page one rank in the search engine. Also be aware sometimes the numbers and keywords that you get back from these keyword discovery tools can be a bit misleading and stray you in the wrong direction. See "drive more traffic to my website" where I explain this further. Note: Google now ignores metatags and now favours meta descriptions The reason for this is that quite often the websites metatags / keywords were often misleading and used inappropriately by website optimizers. Google now focuses more attention on actual content, page description and links within the website. Although I have found the latter to be less of a problem if you have good content. By good I mean content that covers more of the subject that you are talking about. SEO Specialist London - See my Google results LOCATION BASED SERVICES AND PRODUCTSLocation
Optimising your business for your location is crucial
Quite ofet I see businesses advertising there services but forget to even mention their location. Now there is no point attracting customers if you can't service there area or location. For example: Your business is to provide a service in London. People wanting to find your services would possibly type into the search engine (i.e. Google) " Your sepcific service and the location "LONDON". However, London is a very large place and while and this does not appear to bother some people when searching for a location service, this could be a futile search. Most people in London would search their local neighbourhood location postcode and what we have seen more recently is a growth of people using the search term "near me". Near me is only really appropriate when businesses appear on google maps within the search results. People will expand there searches when they know or discover their specific required service is not available locally. Search areas for location based services could look a little like this: UK >> South of England >> Greater London >> London >> South London >> Kennington >> SE11 |
How to get my Website to THE FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLEBeing on the first page of google is critical. But you need to know what are the right keywords for your business, services, products and location. And although this may sound simple, attracting the right kind of visitors is not always that easy! Ideally you want to attract visitors that stay on your website and convert into buying customers. And in many cases attract customers that are local to you. Especially if the service you offer is only available in a specific area or precise location.
THE CURSE OF BAD BACKLINKSNot all inbound links into your website are good. Many websites are suffering from being over optimized.
By being too overloaded with too many keywords, diluting the importance the page to any one particular product, service or area. But additionally by bad inbound links from other websites we call the Back Links. These can be very harmful if google thinks these are coming from Farm Link websites or Spam Linked websites or Useless Directory Websites. Or plain and simply "DODGY WEBSITES!" GET AN SEO CONSULTANTAs a SEO consultant in London I carry out consultancy work for individuals, sole traders, small companies and large businesses. Providing specialist SEO advice on several different levels in and around London. We help start up businesses, new businesses and established companies.
So what can an SEO Consultant do for you or your company?